Friday, 20 September 2013

Editing checklist

Editing checklist
  1. PREP (Preposition)                                                                                                                   When you buy anything, you need to take a good look at it before buying. After you buy it, it is more difficult to exchange it. you may have to get in line for customer service. 
  2. SVA (Subject-Verb Agreement)                                                                                                     At customer service, everyone stands in line, wastes time, looks around, carries damaged goods, or mutters their complaints. trying to get stupid refunds is my least favourite activity.
  3. CS (Comma Splice)                                                                                                             Rudeness does not get you anywhere. It just digs you a deeper hole. Keep courteous. Always take the high road. Remember the rule: customer is king.
  4. FRAG (Fragment)                                                                                                                     There are polite salespeople, knowledgeable trainer, committed customers in the store. Sure, there may be a few difficult situations once in a while. Dealing with unreasonable callers, seems like an exercise in futility.
  5. Run-On Sentence                                                                                                                               Abdolkazem did something great today. It might even be heroic though not recognized be many. A deed like his on the escalator spared customers many a heartache, not to mention embarrassment and injury. 

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